Published on October 1, 2002 By ExodusCrow In WinCustomize Talk
I just discovered SysMetrix this evening, and I've fallen in love with it. The only thing is, there are only 26 themes on this site. Is anybody working on anything that I need?
Or is anybody working on creating madd themes for this slick program?
on Oct 01, 2002
Sysmetrix is the newest section on the site....this time last week it wasn't here at all.
As with yourself, a lot of people are discovering the proggy and there are many skinners obviously currently into creating for it.

Just keep an eye out for new uploads from day to day....they're coming..
on Oct 02, 2002
Better yet, rather than expect skinners to second guess your desires, fire up a paint program and make your own skin. You won't find a simpler app to skin. You need to create one image and then use the built-in config tool to finish up the rest. No coding necessary, no multiple images, just super easy!
on Oct 02, 2002
I would definatly do that, except everything I try to do artistically on the computer turns out like crap! Maybe I can read some tutorials or something. Do you know where the best place to go is?
on Oct 02, 2002
Well, tutorials definitely do help, but one of the best ways to learn is to experiment. A lot of newcomers don't want to bother, though, because it's time consuming and you can't "get rich quick" that way. But, when you do find the occasionally nugget or two, it will be worth it. I recall reading that Kai Krause (of Kai's Power Tools fame) would spend days messing with the different chanops available, adding here, multiplying there, etc. He came up with some awesome stuff that nobody had ever seen the likes of before. This was probably partly because he experimented and partly because he didn't use any pre-defined or packaged filters!

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on Oct 02, 2002
Xymantix and Dangeruss, thank you for your words of encouragement. I'm sure i'll get it some time. Maybe i'll work on something this week and upload it to the site when i'm done. I'll look forward from hearing (maybe) your feedback on them. As I am still a newbie with this skinning thing
on Oct 02, 2002
We were all newbies to this skinning thing once......
Just be aware..........skinning is addicting, and will eat your real life.
on Oct 02, 2002
Maybe I should re-think this entire thing, my life is very important to me
Though I've already started working on my SysMetrix skin, and it's coming together nicely. I will keep in touch.
on Oct 03, 2002
In SysMetrix it shows the physical memory as a Percent but shows way over 100 on my machine. Is percent correct and I run at 170% used physical memory most of the time?
on Oct 04, 2002
Could it be that you're really showing the amount of physical memory used and not the percentage? In other words, your used RAM could be 170 (MB) but the text object uses a "%" as the postfix so it looks like 170%. What does your GraddyAnt theme show? It looks fine in the snapshot and is correct when I use the theme.

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on Oct 06, 2002
help, i can't download this program. why? i click on the sysmetrix section and then on download, i can't download this? whyyyy?
on Oct 06, 2002
try downloading it from Xymantix's website, located here:
on Oct 06, 2002
Thanks Xymantix. I had my p's and q's mixed up. I don't know how hard it is to write a program but was wondering if there was a way to add multiple/different multi images. In other words, more than one graphic. Also, Norton has a similar program in the utilities which has a few more features that are nice and would be nice in sysmetrix (subliminal hint) Ex: how many users are connected to your machine.
on Oct 06, 2002
Thanks for the suggestion. I had thought about doing that a while back, but put it on the back burner until after 1.0 was released. Glad you got your theme working, by the way!

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